I have never spent Christmas actually completely alone thank goodness. I wouldn't know what to do with myself. The closest I have ever been to spending Christmas alone was one year that I had to work on Christmas Day. I really didn't like the idea of that but the bowling center that I was working for was owned by an older Jewish man and I do understand that he did not as well as there are others that do not celebrate Christmas. I was working as head mechanic on the pinsetters at that time and spent the majority of the day by my self behind the machines doing maintainance on them. We were really quite busy that day, I was very surprised. I did get to interact with a number of people when someone was nice enough to relieve me so that I could walk up front for food or drink. I worked 12 hours that day and it seemed to be one of the longest 12 hours days I had ever worked. (I normally didn't work shifts that long however, I worked out a deal with the my manager at that time and the other gentleman that should have worked that day had family in town that he had plans with so I volunteered to let him have that day off. I was living 4 hours from my family at the time and would have only had a hand full of friends around that day anyhow. Most of my co-workers were the people that I was closest to anyway.)
There are some people who spend Christmas alone simply because they come from abusive backgrounds where they were never treated like they are wanted. Here is one of these cases and what this young woman decided to do about it:
I've spent the last couple christmas holidays alone. Being in an isolated spot such as jail, and prison their wasn't much of a choice for me. But I stay positive for the future and think about the good times ahead.