Hello there,
I'm an 18 year old from germany and joined here because it sounds like a lot of fun and I recently became very interested in fantasy stuff. Although I really like this genre, I don't have any favourite works in this genre but my favourite franchises are the Halo series and star wars.
And since I´m worldbuilding with the intent to base shorter stories in this world, I thought ROK would be interesting and useful and give me a bit insight in this kind of stuff, since I am by far no professional or trained writer. I just began for fun.
Hoewever, I have no experience in Pen and Paper, DnD and all the stuff since I just ghot into that stuff lately.
Edited: Baronbaum on 30th Jan, 2020 - 7:28pm
Salutations adventurer. Ruler of Kings II will invigorate thy imagination. Prepare thyself to enter this new world of detailed Character building with you as the controller of destiny. Please proceed to begin reading the Rules & Start, which is the vital preface of the Player's Manual.