The BBC made a documentary about the Venezuelans in T&T: Source 6j I notice that many Venezuelans tend to think they have rights to education, work and other things that locals often struggle to get. I have been trying to get proper education for my own children for a very long time and been ignored completely yet the government has done its utmost to help the Venezuelans. I have no beef with the "Venez", as they call them here, but I do have serious concerns about the way the country is managed and the way citizens are treated.
PM Rowley vex with that BBC broadcast because it making him look shame. He want to formally write a complaint to the UK government over it. Isn't there more important things to do? Like he don't know what people really think at ground level? Total disconnect from the roots.
Instead of Trinidad vs Venezuela, Trinidad will become just like Venezuela. That's where Trinidad is heading. Wait until they start controlling the US dollars, bank bonds, etc that people have in the banks and they will not be allowed to touch. Wait until they privatize mail, water, lights. Wait until crime branches out and no longer is about gangs and drugs but real people, every day citizens. Wait until people become prisoners in their own home. The saddest part is that those who lived this already know where this story is heading but those who lived here since they didn't, they either don't believe it or live in denial. But those who do know, they know.