I was born a Half-elf and that was enough to make me an outcast by most people.
My elf father, never known. Some say magician. Others murderer, thief. I don't care who that person was because for me it was nobody. Maybe he chose my name, Coilleach, but that doesn't matter either.
Indeed I grew up with my mother and anyone who approached me and talked to me. Soldiers of fortune, scholars of magic, wise men, liars, thieves, clerics, troubadours or drunkards. I got something from everyone.
No place is seen by me as home, but all places are. What's why they call me the Wanderer.
5ft 9in tall and thin, tanned skin and white hair with big green eyes.
All those people who look at me with an air of disgust or superiority do not know that they do nothing but strengthen in me the thought that all this must change. And I will make it change.
Advisor Description
The first time I met F'eidhelm the Wench was on the streets of the town market.
The afternoon light was falling and I had recently arrived in the town.
Hungry and half asleep from the strain of the journey, I wandered among the dismantled market stalls, not knowing where to start looking for a place to sleep at night and eat something.
F'eidhelm approached me saying that perhaps I would have had more luck at Stefan's Tavern as if she knew perfectly well what I wanted.
Friend of my mother? Of my unknown father? From the few words she told me about it, I didn't understand it. But her help so far has always been of great help to me since she seems to know both a lot of things about this town and what I yearn for.