Fear Of Flying?

Fear Flying - Culture, Family, Travel, Consumer Reviews - Posted: 16th Apr, 2020 - 8:35pm

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21st Jun, 2005 - 5:05pm / Post ID: #

Fear Of Flying?

This columnist is very good at getting the fearful traveler to be at ease about flying as she has been a commercial pilot for many years.

international QUOTE
Bumpy but not dangerous

It is my opinion that the reason you hear so little from the pilots about turbulence is because turbulence is of so little concern to us. We know it's uncomfortable, and if you're not buckled up yes, you could even be injured. That's why we encourage you to be buckled up any time you're in your seat, just as you would be (Hopefully) while driving. As far as being in danger, though? Not really, other than possibly in an extreme case. In my three decades of flying I have been in very rough conditions at times but have never once feared for the safety of my aircraft because it was bumpy.
Ref. Source

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21st Jun, 2005 - 5:10pm / Post ID: #

Flying Fear

I am not a fan of flying. In fact, you might even say I am a little afraid of it. However, what I have discovered is if I just distract myself during landings and takeoffs, I am fine.

The reason for my fear of landing and takeoffs is the vast majority of accidents occur either while landing or taking off. Between the two, the majority are taking off. If you are going to have equipment problems, you usually discover this as part of the takeoff attempt and then crash.

So, I don't, generally get scared or nervous with turbulence. When I flew to NYC the week before last, it was stormy on the way and we had a good bit of turbulence. I almost became sick because of the motion, but I wasn't scared -- except of embarrassing myself by becoming sick.

6th Aug, 2005 - 11:00pm / Post ID: #

Fear Of Flying? Reviews Consumer & Travel Family Culture

To tell you the truth, I have never flied and I'm pretty nervous if I think that sometime I will need to do it. On the other hand I kind of like roller-coasters, so I guess flying can't be worth.

Post Date: 1st Dec, 2017 - 11:54pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Flying Fear

How to overcome fear of flying. WHEN her plane landed in Sydney after a 'horrendous' flight, Fiona swore she would never step foot on a plane again. It was a promise she had to break. Source 5u.

13th Apr, 2020 - 3:15pm / Post ID: #

Flying Fear

I love flying, myself. I've been on a dozen flights in my life, and it's always exciting. I do get a little queasy when there is turbulence, but I have never been worried about my actual safety. The only complaint I have is the seats and space getting smaller and smaller over the years. Plus, I can't sit still, so I'm always wiggling, which makes me feel bad for my seat neighbors.

16th Apr, 2020 - 8:35pm / Post ID: #

Fear Of Flying?

Never have had a problem with flights, but I do get stress in heights. In case this helps anyone, climbing really helped me with this.

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