I am here to play really good Role-playing Game game, my English is not good in spelling, but I read and understand very well. I played Fallout. I do like old school text based Role-playing Game. What I do not like it is too long procces to get to play, and get know wether this game worth my time or not.
Welcome, ye have choosen the most unique Text adventure in which thy chosen path will reveal thy destiny. Now, since this is a choose thy own adventure game do take the time to read the tome known as the Player's Rules & Start. Herein, ye will discover the rudiments of game play and the mental fortitude ye will need to begin.
Hi Jackloner! I moved your bit to here: Planescape: Torment as we already have a review thread for it. Do note that ROK II is not a video game so you will have to take it from a fantasy novel point of view.
Ok, just keep in mind that your character ages as time goes by so don't take too long to complete the description.