Ship noise leaves crabs too stressed to hide from danger. The ocean is getting too loud even for crabs. Normally, shore crabs (Carcinus maenas) can slowly change their shell color to blend in with the rocky shore, but recent findings show that prolonged exposure to the sounds of ships weakens their camouflaging powers and leaves them more open to attack. The work illustrates how human-made undersea noise can turn shore crabs into sitting ducks for predators. Source 4g.
Animals are simply used to the patterns of mother nature hence they adjusted themselves to it. However human activity has ways to completely override that which can cause chaos among certain creatures, not only the pollution (Including noise pollution) can be a great annoyance to animals but sometimes even down to the invisible radio waves (Some theorize to even something as basic as wifi) also interferes with the signals that insects use to communicate! (E.g bees).