As an Australian I am on an island.. A very large one.. With plenty of everything.. Except some one close enuff to game with..
And so in this age of technology we turn to our little screen (I'm on my Samsung Galaxy fone) looking out into the world for travels in adventure to distant lands and times.. Without actual moving there as the cost etc from here is just so expensive.
So I am gazing inward..
I also play in bands.. Record.. Etc.. Work day job in warehouse.. Have ex wife n kids and a whole lota other mundane stuff..
Welcome, ye have choosen the most unique Text adventure in which thy chosen path will reveal thy destiny. Now, since this is a choose thy own adventure game do take the time to read the tome known as the Player's Rules & Start. Herein, ye will discover the rudiments of game play and the mental fortitude ye will need to begin.