Merrick the Dragon

Merrick Dragon - Text RPG, MMORPG, Play By Post - Posted: 10th Apr, 2020 - 12:14am

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ROK II RPG Character 1081 Medieval Text Adventure
4th Apr, 2020 - 11:56am / Post ID: #

Merrick the Dragon

I, Merrick, was born a gnome my father being a human and my mother being a gnome. I was blessed with magic by a dragon as a baby, which is why I took the name Dragon, and I learned swordsmanship, I specialized in shortsword combat, from Captain Renalt of the Third Battalion in my youth. I hope to become a legendary Spellsword and unite the kingdoms under the banner of The Red Dragoness. In doing so I believe we can take on any challenge the world sends our way.
As far as my appearance goes I'm 16 years of age with shoulder length black hair that I usually keep in a ponytail I have one white strip of hair, which was the result of the dragon imparting the gift of magic on me, that tends to hang in my face. I'm 5'4 and 168 pounds I'm toned but not overly muscular and about average build. My eyes are hazel and my skin is pale. I strive to always do the right thing, so I follow a simple code always be honest and humble, always honor your word.

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5th Apr, 2020 - 9:31am / Post ID: #

Dragon Merrick

I be the proud owner of a new wooden abode which I bought today fer a hefty price.

5th Apr, 2020 - 9:32am / Post ID: #

Merrick the Dragon Post Play & MMORPG RPG Text

I be the proud owner of a new stone abode which I bought today fer a hefty price.

5th Apr, 2020 - 10:51am / Post ID: #

Dragon Merrick

Advisor Description

Merrick feels a chill up his spine he finally has laid eyes on the man who has been following him, a hooded man in plate armor as the man approaches him him silently for a moment he fears for his life until the man takes down his hood. Merrick sighs with relief,"Captain Renalt what are you doing here?"
"Your father asked me to keep an eye on you and advise you as needed."
His salt and pepper hair pulled back in ponytail. His age and experience written on his face. He wears steel plate with a white shoulder cloak with a red dragon on it(The red dragoness).
"Do you remember your training?" The Captain asked.
"I can still use a shortsword?" Merrick responds.

6th Apr, 2020 - 3:55am / Post ID: #

Dragon Merrick

Reflections On Your Mother

Reflections On My Mother
Her hair was black and here eyes were crystal blue. Her skin was an olive brown from her long walks through the garden each day. She always encouraged me to keep a balance between my mind my spirit and my body. She had a love for reading and music. She encouraged self reflection as well as meditation. She believed you should always strive to do the right thing for everyone because you never know when the person your helping may one day help you.

7th Apr, 2020 - 10:30am / Post ID: #

Merrick the Dragon

Reflections on your father

My father had white hair and silver eyes, he stood at 6'7 and 170 all muscles. When he wasn't training he was strategizing how to defeat any enemies of the kingdom. My father was a strong silent type, when he spoke it was straight to the point. His sword, the Karishi, was made of ice that would never melt and never dull. His life goal was to make sure the kingdom would never come into harms way.

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10th Apr, 2020 - 12:14am / Post ID: #

Merrick Dragon

First time in the Town

When I first came into town, I saw a chance at new opportunities. So I chose to live as a citizen, a good king should know the situation of the common people, to better myself as future king. I thought back to the different training I had I could work as a teamster and in time I knew I could be of service to the kingdom. The town is simple but beautiful in its simplicity. Taverns, temples, guild halls, and everything else a town could need for a peaceful existence. I can't wait to see what life in town holds for me.

> TOPIC: Merrick the Dragon


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