Alistair the Humble

Alistair Humble - Text RPG, MMORPG, Play By Post - Posted: 22nd Mar, 2021 - 10:28am

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ROK II RPG Character 1096 Medieval Text Adventure
13th Apr, 2020 - 4:35pm / Post ID: #

Alistair the Humble

I am Alistair, named after my Father's brother who fell in battle. He, along with my Father, was a good man and I intend to live up to my name. I am at the age of 16, known as 'The Humble' for I care not for boasting but actions. Hopefully my actions will be deemed as good, for it is my aim.

I was born a Human to two Human parents, life as a farmer was hard. But it helped shape me into the man I am, hopefully a good one.

I stand at five foot eleven, my time on the farm helping sculpt my body somewhat. Not too muscular but not skinny either, my black hair is usually brushed back over my scalp and ears to avoid blocking my brown eyes. My skin is slightly tanned from working under the sun, and my appearance is usually a mix between plain and slightly rough, mirroring my life so far.

My swordsmanship is average, I intend to further my training and skills by following and joining the Fighters Guild. I hope to help as many people as possible on my journey, and hope to become a fair and loved Ruler of Kings.

Now I take the first steps on my path.

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13th Apr, 2020 - 6:04pm / Post ID: #

Humble Alistair

Advisor Description

It didn't take long before I noticed a man following me, even from afar, he looked like trouble. His armor glistened occasionally when the sun caught it. I didn't feel like playing this cat and mouse game, but wanted to be sure he was actually following me. I turned towards the crowded market, surely if the man had any ill-intentions he most likely would not act upon them around witnesses. I pretended to look upon a stall's wares, as the man walked closer. Seeing my chance, I asked him loudly what his intentions were.

I was terribly mistaken, his name was Duncan, a Captain. An honorable and respected man, skilled in both battle and as a tactician. He offered no reasons to why he was to aid me on my journey and I didn't care much either, with the uncertainty of my path, I could be in need of such a man. Hopefully his advice will be useful on my travels, the world is never at peace and I could be at a disadvantage with my sheltered farm upbringing. However, being such a man of action his mind might not allow him to think outside of aggressive solutions. I feel his advice during trying times outweighs any disadvantages when it comes to the matters of peace and diplomacy, I trust my own judgement in those matters.

I just hope I have enough experience and fortitude, if ever the time comes.

22nd Mar, 2021 - 10:28am / Post ID: #

Alistair the Humble Post Play & MMORPG RPG Text

Unfortunately for Alistair, the life of adventure became clouded and seemed to drift away as he tried to live his life. Although he had some adventures, they paled in comparison to the adventure he wanted to start so long ago. But this was alright, for he lived the life he could and eventually died happy and content. Not regretting the life he had or envious for he life he could have led.

> TOPIC: Alistair the Humble


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