Mysterious Person at the Tavern
I was approached today by a cloaked woman in the tavern, asking me to join her at an old oak table that was already set for two. I looked towards the barkeep, who nodded as if this was expected. I took that as a sign that I could trust this person for now and joined her.
She wouldn't tell me her name or the name of whomever sent her, just that her source knew my destiny and she had an endowment from someone interested in seeing it come to fruition. I could not see much of her features through her cloak, though I could tell from the belongings she had with her that she must have traveled recently to arrive here. What I saw of her face was pretty enough, but more memorable was her voice. It was very even and serene, her words flowing like a gentle song.
When inquiring how her source came to know of me, she simply stated that I should do a better job of hiding my tattoos. I also asked if there was something that I was intended to do with this endowment; her response was that I could do whatever I saw fit with it, but her source would like me to consider training to join the Guild of Bountiful Bards.
When we finished talking, she quietly handed me the endowment and left. I asked Stefan if they knew who the stranger was, but they didn't know her name either. I suppose I must simply hope a time comes when I can ask her again.
The Beauty of Lady Fluke
Here in the towns Palace of Parody,
Will ye find the most loveliest Lady.
Her eyes, they shine like the gorgeous moon,
Her lips, thoughts of kisses will make thee swoon.
Her face, her form, and yes lads, her bosom too,
Ye best be prepared, she will enrapture you.
"Nay, none can be such a beaut!" you rebuke,
But there truly is one, her name's Lady Fluke.
Wish I could change this about myself
We all have things we wish to change about ourselves. I have been fortunate enough to be blessed with the opportunity to change much over the past few years. But if I had to pick one thing to change…
I wish I could form deeper relations with people. I care for the folks I've come to know, and I believe many care for me. But the only one I know truly regards me as a close friend is Henry, whom I am grateful for.
I see this as largely my own fault. I understand how to show kindness and be respectable company, but when it comes to how to "make a friend", I suppose I've always struggled. I've always had "good company", and I should count my blessings for that. But friends? They have been few.
Of course, part of this may be due to keeping secrets. I can't talk about my mothers destiny for me openly, and I may have to be careful who sees my tattoos. Perhaps people sense I can't be completely open with them, and so are not so open with me in kind? Alas, this may be my burden to bear.
But there is no use whining over what we cannot change, nor any use dawdling when ye can change for the better. If I want this to change about myself, then I must find an answer to my destiny that I can proudly proclaim to others.
Why Am I Leon?
Why good, some may ask. The evil may argue that their path gives them the privilege to look after the only one that matters: themselves. The free might argue that their freedom is their greatest boon, able to blend into any part of society and see all that it has to offer.
But what that lacks is a sense of purpose. Look after thyself is common sense that need not be taken to the extreme of harming others to achieve, and while I can't say I have many qualms with the free spirits of the world, their good side is clearly what sets them apart. Why not embrace that?
As an agent of good and believer in Aman, blessing others improves my life and the life of those I reach. If we all did this, the world would be perfect. As it stands, each individual that acts in accordance to their goodwill makes this land better for it. Those who confuse good for weakness or softness will be sorely mistaken. Good is able to exist because we see the indulgences of evil, and courageously stand against them.