Hello and pleased to meet you all fellow creators of the Text Based Role Playing Adventures Kingdom! I was born in the state of Hawaii, the 50th state of the U.S Kingdom har! Har! Ahem… anyway… I am a self employed landscaper who often wishes he could do more text based Role Playing with friends online, so I am hoping to see what comes of this new experience.
I used to do quite a bit of Role Play in the past, albeit the manner in which I'd do so were by means of these programs called MUD's or MUCKs. My first ever experience into the world of text based Role-playing Game happened inside a MUCK called TLK MUCK (The Lion King MUCK).
The reason I have joined this place is because I am looking for a more flexible means of doing Role Play.... Y'know… since I live in Hawaii and most people can't connect at the same time I do for instantaneous interactive Role Play. Anywho, I look forward to joining this new means of creative outlet and I place my "Newbie" self under your care and guidance!
Welcome to Ruler of Kings II, the best Medieval Fantasy Text Role-playing Game ye will ever play. Now, that ye have made thy introduction to the Community, ensure to prepare thyself for thy quest. Thou mayest proceed to begin reading the Rules & Start, which is also the start of thy Player's Manual, to begin thy adventure.