Piper the Chosen is raised. No Lord, no Knight shall be my scourge fer I have returned this 2nd time to continue this adventure.
Today, my encounter with a Bully ended with me slaying the Bully.
A Dark Elf looks strange when motionless on the ground.
Let it be known that I, Piper, have attained Level 4 and as such have grown in both ability and endurance.
Preston the Veteran joins the Adventure Party of Piper
Although retired from the army, he still is strong and capable. His beard has white hairs mixed in with the black, and laugh lines are around his eyes and mouth. Preston knows how to fight and survive, which will be incredibly helpful as I make my way north to the Wizard.
While a Loner may be difficult for some a Loner is no match for me.
T'was the first time I encountered a Winter Wolf. I live to tell about it because I won that battle.
I have defeated a Snowmen. Let all know that it be by the mighty hands of Piper the Chosen.