Adelaide, the name given to me by my father. My mother told me it means 'noble', as that is what my destiny has in store for me. I am not attracted to the thought of being of the nobility, not with the wars and greed and distress that is going on in these lands. Still, it is a beautiful name, and I respect my father for having such faith in me.
I am your average human looking girl, with long dark hair, brown eyes, and tan skin. I have worked inside and outside of our cabin, but I prefer to spend my time watching and listening to people, or telling stories myself. I have been studying magick, and will continue to work toward gaining many skills in this area.
My destiny states I am to be the next ruler of these lands, to unite the beings that settled here. Although it does bring me some anxiety, can I truly escape my fate?
Advisor Description
I met Theodora years ago, as she was a friend of my mother's. After my mother's death, when I made my way into the Town, I knew she was the one I could count on for advice. Her occupation was not a secret to me, and I found my way to the brothel without incident. When I walked in, I walked pass everyone and went to the back, where I knew her office would be. My mother and her would make jokes about what went on in her office, and it was easy to figure out the location.
I knocked, was given permission to enter, then was greeted by a light gasp. Theodora quickly stood and closed the door, then wrapped me in a hug. I slumped against her, tears burning my eyes, but stayed silent as she squeezed me for a long moment. When she finally pulled away, I wiped my tears quickly and told her that I was moving into the Town and starting whatever journey I was meant to be on. She immediately took it upon herself to be my guide, to advise me in any matter she knew of.
Some refer to me as Adelaide, the Artist master.
Adelaide the Mage Lives! I, Adelaide, have died but am alive again! To mine amazed I am here for 1st time in this day dream. Maybe mine motive is not as it should be.
I, Adelaide the Mage, was attacked by a Dog Rat and was victorious in combat.
Let it be known that I, Adelaide, have attained Level 1 and as such have grown in both ability and endurance.
T'was the first time I encountered a Bat Swarm. I live to tell about it because I won that battle.
I, Adelaide, have gained enough experience that I am considered to be Level 2 among my fellow men.