My name is Ranglak Othgar. I have lived for 96 years in the Northern Kingdoms, though it is no secret that my soul pulls me south. For as long as I can remember, even before my father went to war with the orcs, I have found ways to drift south from time to time, exploring the boundaries that separate my kin from the world of Man. So much so, in fact, that I am more commonly called Wanderer than as Ranglak. I carry the appellation with pride; my soul is indeed that of an explorer. I am destined to find myself far beyond the boundaries of my home town.
I am a big man, taller than most and stout even by Dwarvish standards. My mother arranged a sort of informal apprenticeship with the blacksmith. She tells me it is so I may develop a life-long skill, but I am sure it is in an effort to keep my mind focused here, in our little village. Whatever her motivation, it has given me both a useful skill and strong arms.
I will go south, find my way to a Town, secure work in a forge, and begin to earn my way in the world of Man. In time, I will return, uniting the kingdom of Men with the realms of the Dwarves. My armies will be mighty, and a greater life will come to all who find themselves under my protection. For the good we give others is the good we receive, and my Kingdom will last for generations!
Advisor Description
Walking back to the tavern inn from the smithy today, I was found by a man from my village; Grothmir. He is a retired politician, generally known for the dignified and respectful manner of diplomacy he commonly employed. It seems, as he tells me, that my mother convinced him to find and assist me. Her concern, apparently, is that I may need help learning to navigate life in the world of Man. As she likely arranged this as one of her last kind acts toward myself, I will go along. Encourage it, even. After all, the knowledge of a wise man should prove useful while I carve out a life here.
Ranglak was, while somewhat useful to those he worked for, sadly unsuited to this world. He was impetuous, ill-informed, and poorly dressed. To his credit, he fought hard right up to the end. But, when that end came, he was found quite wanting. What is left of his body, after the skeleton knight finished with him, will be laid to rest and easily forgotten. A shame, really, as he was actually quite decent at making armor. I wish he had finished mine before he went down into that cave...