My name is Bastian. I am known as the Dragonborn by many. At the age of sixteen, according to the years of man, I can be described as being tall and slender perhaps a little weak looking.
I intend to pay careful attention to whatever I encounter while making my enemies my friends in order to become the next Ruler of Kings.
A Sentimental Value
I was lucky to find an old scroll that had my mother's portrait on it. This meant a lot to me because I could k
ow keep her memory alive in my heart.
Advisor Description
Monalisa, an aristocrat from the upper-class areas of this town, came up to me while I was in the tavern. She claimed to know my family and offered her sympathies about my mother's passing. I accepted and listed to what she had to say. She promised help and I was glad for all the service I could get while in this new place.
A new abode has been acquired and I, Bastian the Dragonborn, intend to full occupy the wooden structure.
I, Bastian the Dragonborn, was attacked by a Dog Rat and was victorious in combat.
Let me telleth thee the story of how I killed a Bat Swarm. The Bat Swarm attacked and with my skills I killed it. That was the end of the Bat Swarm. Like my story?
Breath of life comes to Bastian the Dragonborn. I, Bastian, have died but am alive again! Mine entranced 1st awakening. Was it a mass escape into fantasy. I need to changeth mine objective.
No one shall lay low Bastian the Dragonborn. I was amazed when for the 2nd resurrection. Maybe it is part of freakish inspiration. With reason for being in mind things must changeth.