Philomena the Priestess Lives! Mine ambition is to be Ruler of Kings and yet I have suffered downfalls for the 2nd time much to mine lost in wonder. I am not in a medieval world yet I have become it.
I wonder, should I call myself Philomena the Invoke expert.
The Magick Skill is now one of the skills I am proficient at doing.
I am considered the master of the Familiar Trainer Skill.
Worship of Larissa
One morning, when the sky was just starting to lighten, I took a walk through the forest. I stopped at a large tree, the trunk big enough I could barely wrap my arms around it. Taking my pocket knife, I whisper a prayer of thanks to the tree and carved a crescent into it.
A Giant Spider was one of the enemies that I laid low this day.
Familiar Description
My familiar is a mixture of a gray wolf and a powerful husky, with soft fur the mixes gray and white all over her body. On all four legs, her back stands at my upper thighs. Her icy blue eyes seem more wise then you would think. Echo is a calm being, always thinking before acting, unless there is immediate danger. I call her by whistling a tune my mother had taught me as a young child. It seems to fit with Echo, and I think it might have been fate.
Let me telleth thee the story of how I killed a Marauder. The Marauder attacked and with my skills I killed it. That was the end of the Marauder. Like my story?