I, Philomena the Priestess, was attacked by a Black Bear and was victorious in combat.
Philomena the Priestess Lives! Mine reason for being is to be Ruler of Kings and yet I have suffered errors for the 4th time much to mine fascinated. I am not in a wishful thinking yet I have become it.
Today I have been received as Level 1 within my Clan.
Philomena the Priestess was a faithful follower of Larissa, a healer and expert in herbology, and a magick-user who had much more potential along her path. Unfortunately, when she tried to prove herself with a sword, she was bested by a knight with much more experience than she. We laid her to rest under a large tree with a crescent carved into the bark. Her familiar, Echo, laid on her grave for a moment before she faded into the afterlife herself.