Mom Buckles Case Of Beer But Not Baby

Mom Buckles Case Beer Baby - Politics, Business, Civil, History - Posted: 6th May, 2020 - 5:06pm

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7th Feb, 2008 - 6:39pm / Post ID: #

Mom Buckles Case Of Beer But Not Baby

She was surely drunk but not so drunk as to make sure her beer was safe and sound. rolleyes.gif Sickening.

ST. AUGUSTINE, FL -- Investigators say a woman accused of drunk driving had a case of beer buckled up safely, and a one year old girl sitting in the backseat without a seatbelt or car seat.

On Super Bowl Sunday, a deputy saw a car drive through a red light and swerve back and forth over the center lane on U.S. 1 South.

The deputy stopped the car.

Investigators say the woman, who identified herself as Tina Williams, smelled of alcohol.

According to the report, Williams told the deputy she never had a license and was running out of gas.

The deputy saw a case of Busch beer in the front seat with a seat belt around it, and a baby girl in the backseat with her mother.

When asked why the girl wasn't restrained, Williams reportedly told the officer, "I don't know."

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 1089 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 100%

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13th May, 2008 - 10:41am / Post ID: #

Baby Not Beer Case Buckles Mom

Dads can be idiots too!

Driver straps in beer, leaves his kid loose

Police in Alice Springs say they were appalled to find a driver put a seatbelt around a carton of beer - but left a five-year-old child unrestrained.

Officers stopped the unregistered sedan on the Ross Highway south of Alice Springs on the weekend.

They found the child sitting in the back seat without a seatbelt, but the driver had put a belt around a slab of beer.

I would love to just know what thought went through his mind when he buckeled up the beer. Did he really think that he was securing it? Did he forget and actually think it was his child?

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 863 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 86.3%

13th May, 2008 - 10:48am / Post ID: #

Mom Buckles Case Of Beer But Not Baby History & Civil Business Politics

I clicked on this because I had just read about it, or so I thought! Actually, I am editing my post as I just realized that the post previous was about this article as well---I didn't realize that Alice Springs was in Australia. Sorry!

From world news!

Driver buckles beer in car -- but not child

DARWIN, Australia (AP) -- An Australian driver who secured a carton of beer in his car with a seat belt but left a 5-year-old child unrestrained was fined 750 Australian dollars ($710; €460), police said Tuesday.

Constable Wayne Burnett said he was "shocked and appalled" when he pulled over the unregistered car on Friday in the central Australian town of Alice Springs.

The 30-can carton was strapped in between the two adults sitting in the back seat of the car. The child was also in back, on the vehicle's floor.

"The child was sitting in the lump in the center, unrestrained," Burnett told reporters Tuesday.

"I haven't ever seen something like this before," he said. "This is the first time that the beer has taken priority over a child."

I left the quote because it gave a few more details and it actually differed in the fact the the beer was strapped BETWEEN two adults and so I am assuming there was no room left for the child--SAD! SAD! SAD!

Reconcile Edited: AlaskanLDS on 13th May, 2008 - 10:52am

International Level: New Activist / Political Participation: 17 ActivistPoliticianNew Activist 1.7%

Post Date: 13th May, 2008 - 2:27pm / Post ID: #

Mom Buckles Case Of Beer But Not Baby
A Friend

Baby Not Beer Case Buckles Mom

I guess that there is something to be said about people who have been drinking. They lose their thinking and these articles show it first hand. I feel sorry for the kids.

13th May, 2008 - 3:00pm / Post ID: #

Baby Not Beer Case Buckles Mom

I guess we all know what the priority in their life is booze. Like any addiction id can corrupt the best into doing things that they would never consider doing normally. Trust me I know what I speak of here.

International Level: Senior Politician / Political Participation: 188 ActivistPoliticianSenior Politician 18.8%

13th May, 2008 - 11:44pm / Post ID: #

Mom Buckles Case Of Beer But Not Baby

I was thinking back to a time in my life when I was involved with those types of activities and I have to say, I don't think I ever drove, but I did some other really stupid things and your right, it takes away the ability (or maybe it rather prohibits it, I guess) to make logical decisions and to

It is not right for sure--and the kids are usually the ones that end up hurt (emotionally or physically) when addictions are present.

International Level: New Activist / Political Participation: 17 ActivistPoliticianNew Activist 1.7%

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14th May, 2008 - 10:16pm / Post ID: #

Mom Buckles Case Beer Not Baby

This mother doesn't value her childs life as highly as she values her beer...simple in my opinion...she doesn't deserve to have her child!

International Level: Activist / Political Participation: 29 ActivistPoliticianActivist 2.9%

6th May, 2020 - 5:06pm / Post ID: #

Mom Buckles Case Beer Not Baby Politics Business Civil & History

I laughed because I was uncomfortable with this and didn't know how else to act. Of course it's Florida, I am truly not surprised.

International Level: Junior Politician / Political Participation: 58 ActivistPoliticianJunior Politician 5.8%

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