It was confirmed upon meh, Camilla the Druid, that I am now an expert in Camouflage.
Mercy Bodhmall of the Guild of Druids has graciously welcomed me into their Guild.
Let me telleth thee the story of how I killed a Marauder. The Marauder attacked and with my skills I killed it. That was the end of the Marauder. Like my story?
The Resurrection of Camilla the Druid. To mine lost in wonder I am here for 2nd time in this hallucination. Maybe mine motive is not as it should be.
Expert in the Invoke Skill is what I am now. I shall use the Invoke Skill towards meh ultimate goal.
No matter mine future, fer today I am not only known as the Druid, but I am also an expert Riding of which I am very proud.
The Hardy Skill is now one of the skills I am proficient at doing.
Camilla the Druid Lives! Be it known to all that Camilla the Druid hath returned in the 3rd resurrection.