I am Elluin the Dragon, given this name as a homage to my father, gone many years to war. Respected for my devotion to magic and might in concert, I took the name Dragon to inspire awe in those who meet me.
A half-elven person of the human equivalency of 16, I may be described as androgynous, with red hair that comes to my shoulders. My skin is an earthy tan in tone, and my eyes shine a piercing violet, testament to my elven heritage.
I aspire to be the next Ruler of Kings, though the road will be long and full of trials. To start me on my journey, I seek to apprentice with a scribe and teach the common folk the value of the written word.
With this as my reminder to always move forward, never back, I begin my journey toward fulfilment.
A Sentimental Value
As I left my home to make my way in the world, I took with me a simple copper ring. A cheap bauble certainly, yet this ring meant more to me than any other keepsake for the initials that were inscribed inside the band.
J.M. Jason the Magician, a person near and dear to my heart, and a reminder that not all relationships must end in sorrow.
Advisor Description
Today I discovered a most curious thing. My former lover, Jason, has been following me, watching my moves. He claims it is from a sense of loyalty to me, and I can believe his words. This still raises the question of how he knew to find me. I am grateful he is here, as he is a very trustworthy individual; still, I cannot help but feel that perhaps my journey up to this point has been somewhat influenced by him, and not of my own volition.
Reflections On Your Mother
Reflections on my mother:
She was neither friend nor foe, though at times she seemed both. What she did, she did out of love, though it left me scarred. She is the reason I look to men as my companions. Yet I do not hate her, for how could I hate that which made me, who taught me to be myself? She drove me to Jason, my lover and friend. And even now the ghost of her spirit drives me ever onward, berating me to be better, do better, become better. And so I must.