You shall remember my name, Meredith the Vampire. I was born in the East, but my parents decided my destiny laid somewhere else. I was sent to live in the forest with two humans, a man and a woman, who tried their best to give me the love they think I deserve.
My skin was darker than theirs, and my brown eyes didn't match their blue ones. They had me dress in the fashions of their peoples, but I always felt out of place. My curly black hair was completely the opposite of theirs. I do not know why they loved me like they did, but I suppose I can appreciate their effort.
I am known as the Vampire because I enjoy moving through the darkness, the night, seeing what I can take without anyone noticing me. If I'm caught, I don't mind taking their life and blood.
I follow my own, I don't care for others. I fight for what I have and I enjoy seeing others get cut down for stupid decisions. I was told I had a destiny, and I plan on getting it at any cost.
A Sentimental Value
With a custom handle, this dagger has been with me since I was sent to the forest. Out of everything in this place, I was never going to leave this. The handle looked like intricate knots, which was the symbol of my peoples in the east.
I be the proud owner of a new wooden abode which I bought today fer a hefty price.
Advisor Description
I let him follow me around as I got to know the town, but once I realized he was not going to do anything, I cornered him in an alley and held my dagger to his throat. He gulped with wide eyes, not moving an inch as we stared at one another. I asked him, quietly, why he was following me and why I shouldn't just slit his throat right then and there. He replied that he was sent by my father, my true father, from the East. He convinced me he had a note, so I let him pull it out as I lowered the dagger. I read through it and looked at him with raised eyebrows. He waited for my response. It seemed my people thought this man would be of use to me. I nodded, then walked away.
Deity of Meredith
Symbolized by a small ball of smoke, Qarinah does as she wants and when she wants to do it. If you follow her, she will grant you powers as long as you repay her with sacrifice and ruination. If you serve her well, she will appear to you as a hawk-like bird or a small dragon to give you some kind of reward.
A Trickster looks strange when motionless on the ground.
I, Meredith am adept in the Plebeian Language Skill.
Ever fought a Dog Rat? I did… and beat it to death.