Let me telleth thee the story of how I killed a Bat Swarm. The Bat Swarm attacked and with my skills I killed it. That was the end of the Bat Swarm. Like my story?
I, Meredith, have gained enough experience that I am considered to be Level 1 among my fellow men.
I, Meredith, have gained enough experience that I am considered to be Level 2 among my fellow men.
Worship of Qarinah
I stand at my personal altar to Qarinah in my small home. After bringing my dagger out, I slice my palm with a slight wince and let it drop into a small wooden bowl in the middle of the altar. After 12 drops of blood, I lazily wrapped a piece of clothe around the wound and closed my eyes. I felt my inner self being pulled toward my Goddess. Surrounded by the darkness of her world, I feel her overbearing presence. I tremble, but keep my head held high and my eyes closed. After a moment, I fall to my knees and lower my chin. I feel a touch in my hair and a murmur. "Study the magicks of a sorcerer." I am pulled back into my own body as soon as the words fade.
Qadar the Fighter joins the Adventure Party of Meredith
With a name that tells me he was sent by my Goddess, Qadar is tall, dark, and intimidating. An expert at the sword, he is eager to honor our Goddess with blood and evil. I accept his loyalty as long as he serves myself and my Goddess.
A Bully looks strange when motionless on the ground.
T'was the first time I encountered a Woodsman. I live to tell about it because I won that battle.
Now that I have attained Level 3 among my people, ye shall see a more powerful Meredith than otherwise might have been known.