I, Rosemary the Princess, was attacked by a Creep and was victorious in combat.
I, Rosemary, have gained enough experience that I am considered to be Level 1 among my fellow men.
Deity of Rosemary
The God of Good, Storme, appeared in my dreams as an elderly man with white hair and beard. His watched me with patience as I walked toward him, curious. He gave me a fatherly smile and held out his hand. I took it, and he bowed, placing his forehead onto the back of my hand. After he stood and I pulled my hand back, I asked who he was and what he wanted with me. He told me he knew who I was, where I came from, and where I was fated to go.
I, am now versed in the Skill known as Magician.
Some refer to me as Rosemary, the Hardy master.
Now that I have attained Level 2 among my people, ye shall see a more powerful Rosemary than otherwise might have been known.
A Woodsman looks strange when motionless on the ground.
Mysterious Person at the Tavern
It was a man in a cloak, with his head covered with a hood. An angled jaw and a strong nose, he looked more aristocratic than a lowly farmer. He had a smooth jaw, no stubble to be seen. I asked him who he was, and he told me he was a friend of a friend. He discreetly pulled a dagger from his cloak and showed the handle. The symbol of my father made up part of it. With wide eyes, I stared at him, trying to figure out why he was here, dressed like this. He only smiled and said my father had a gift for me. He placed a ring that looked magical on the table and gestured for me to take it. He told me this would help me stay healthy.