Message to Advisor
My Dear Aunt Valeria, I spent some time at the Palace, and spoke at length with Lady Fluke. I have been training my Mind and Body as required to become better placed to take my rightful place as Ruler.
In one conversation, Lady Fluke offered me an assignment, one which I have accepted. I cannot talk about the details, as I promised to reveal it to no-one, but I can say I am still alive and well, and currently on that assignment. I hope I can find my way back to Town soon.
Most beautiful lady of Zardoz
Flowella, what can one say about Flowella. I first caught sight of her across a busy market, as she picked her way through the flowers arranged in neat rows. I would see her bend down to sniff at one bunch, then smile sweetly at the seller and make small talk.
I believe I could hear her laughter even through the bustle and hubbub of the throng.
I don't know how I managed, but I forced myself to move forward to look at the flowers, and soon found her turn to face my direction. Even now I cannot remember the words she spoke, but it would have been nothing more than some pleasantry pertaining to the flowers. She saw the ones my hand brushed, raised her eyebrows, smiled at me and said I'd found exactly what she was looking for.
With the ice cracked, I spent a few pleasant minutes in polite small talk, and before she left she told me where she worked and hoped to see me come by to continue our conversation.
First time in the Town
It was a strange sight to behold as I first entered the Town. Having been used to a forest village, I did not know what to expect.
The first thing that hit me were the sounds, then the sights. The people all moving around with purpose.
It will take some time to get used to, but I believe I've found where I need to be, in order to become the Ruler of Kings.