Our Newsletters have started back. After trying many avenues I decided to just write a script and send it without the restrictions and red tape of other mail servers.
This is our June 2020 Newsletter.
Ruler of Kings II
* We have added the Ponytaur and Draconian Races to the game
* Viewing other Player's Characters and Communicating with them is available
* The second Dungeon in the Dark Region was completed
* The ability to relate what is happening in a Dungeon was added
Start: Source 8w
Global and Social Issues
Here are some highlighted Topics that are in the forefront:
Marines: No Confederate Flag: Source 2f
George Floyd Case: Source 6y
Martin Gugino Pushed By Police: Source 8d
Black Lives Matter vs All Lives Matter: Source 7c
International Discussions / ROK II
Unsubscribe / Delete: If you no longer wish to be a Member: Source 9a
Note: BOTH your Membership and Character will be removed.
Hey Member,
Thanks for being a Member of our Discussion and Role-playing Game Community.
Check the new Topics:
Qualified Immunity Source 5m
Lgbtq Workers Source 4v
JB Shows You How To Change A Diesel Fuel Filter Source 7k
Text Based MMORPG vs Ruler of Kings II Source 8a
International Discussions / ROK II.
For many countries today is Father's Day. See a video created by Admin about the differences between Father and Dad: Source 2l
Check some updated Topics:
General Father's Day Topic: Source 9j
See the latest Role-playing Game Character entries: Source 3a.