I am named Jarath, as was my father. I am known as a radical as I seek knowledge of the lands in which I live. I question conventional wisdom and challenge established tradition.
At aged sixteen I am of moderate build and height. I have brown eyes and long flowing brown hair. I am clean shaven and pale of skin. I have no tattoos and dress plainly. I am not ostentatious but I am inquisitive and thoughtful.
I intend to investigate society, undermine oppression and change that which suppresses freedom of thought, in order to become the next Ruler of Kings.
A Sentimental Value
Not wanting to leave home without having an item to aid me to reflect back on my youth, and to encourage me in the future, I took a plain ring given to me by my mother. The ring illustrates to me the perfection of the circle. It stands as a reminder that everything that comes around, goes around. That life is cycle and that without profound change, that cycle continues monotonously and uninterrupted forever into eternity.
Advisor Description
I stood arguing on behalf of a poor family that the taxes being levied on them were unreasonable. Unbeknown to me a local politician was with the tax collectors, incognito, simply there to observe the reaction of the local populace to the taxation levels. That man was a politician named Winston. He watched me as I put the case for lower taxes, and then approached me and asked who I was.
I thought he was simply another tax official, so I told him who I was, and then berated him about the unfairness of it all.
Winston listened, and told me he was a local politician in disguise.He said I was rather young and idealistic and that over time I would learn the need for increased levels of taxation.
He told me, that I should keep him informed about what the feeling was on the streets, among the general populace, about how they were being taxed.
In return, he said he'd act as a mentor to me in matters that concerned local officialdom.
Deity of Jarath
Freedom to choose.Freedom to act. Freedom in all things. Humanity was not created to conform to the traditions of the past. The conventions of our ancestors should be challenged. Are they appropriate to the present day?. If they are, then long shall they continue. If they are not, then they should be discarded for new ones.
Change is coming. Accept it, or be swept away by it.
The Beauty of Lady Fluke
The brothel boss is Lady Fluke
You can always visit without rebuke
Beyond her make-up plastered thick
Her full plump lips of red lipstick
is a woman large as life
not ideal as a housewife
But least she'll always listen,
paid by pebbles that do glisten.