Capturing CO2 from trucks and reducing their emissions by 90%. Researchers have patented a new concept that could cut trucks' CO2 emissions by almost 90%. It involves capturing CO2 within the exhaust system, converting it into a liquid and storing it on the vehicle. The liquid CO2 would then be delivered to a service station and where it will be turned back into fuel using renewable energy. Source 6g.
Capturing Truck Smoke Emissions And Converting It To A Liquid (Hover)
Like any new and experimental technology; maybe. There are many questions raised about sustainability of efficiency. If the system creates three litres of liquid co2 for one litre of diesel burned, and how much weight the compressor and storage tanks with possible cooling system is, plus the increasing weight of the liquid co2; what does that look like in a long haul and hit country such as Australia? Will it only be viable on smaller short haul vehicles? Only testing will tell. Plus infrastructure has to be built, which takes time and investment.
Hey don't defeat it before its even started. I'd imagine that it would take a heck of a lot of smoke to make any kind of liquid but it seems like a big win for health and environment so I would support the move whenever it became available.