5 Vehicles Damaged In Chase After Theft
Justice & Criminal Activity Related News
A purse-snatching in Prince George's County touched off a car chase yesterday in which five vehicles were smashed up and three people were taken to a hospital, police and witnesses said.
I think this is where the disabling technology for engines should be installed. I know the many issues at hand but runaways like this might be stopped before real damage is done. Yes anything can be bypassed but it would help with many cases I think.
International Level: Senior Politician / Political Participation: 188 18.8%
I have to agree with you there Krakyn. A lot of these chases can be done away with by enabling a engine shut down device. Everytime one is in a high speed pursuit many other people on the roadway are at risk. As the police officer it is up to you to try and bring those to justice but to also keep others on the road or near the roadway safe.