Philippines Drivers
How careful are drivers in Philippines?
What is the minimum age to drive in Philippines?
What are the statistics for driving fatalities in Philippines?
What is unique about driving in Philippines? For instance, is it left or right side of the road for vehicles, who usually has the 'right of way', the maximum speed limit, and so forth?
My father used to say that most Filipino drivers are defensive drivers. If it's your first time to drive here, you should be aware that a significant percentage of drivers violate traffic rules. The minimum age to get a license is 18 years old. But because of corruption, some get it at a younger age. WHO list death by traffic accidents at 1.74% of total deaths. But I think the majority of those deaths involves motorcycle accidents. Like in the US, we drive in the right side lane.Usual max speed in the highway is 100 kph. Unique? Well, when you travel in the province you would see farm machineries converted into transportation, running at around 30kph. In Davao city, main roads have a speed limit of 30-60 kph.