Lebanon Civil Disorder
This is a general Thread to Discuss civil strife in Lebanon where protests are causing clashes with authorities.
When riots happen in Lebanon how are they normally quelled?
Note: There are more specific Threads that detail crime, politics and terrorism for Lebanon - do search.
Lebanon: Tripoli death toll hits 25 as clashes intensify:
Fighting between supporters and opponents of Syrian President Bashar Assad in Tripoli intensified Friday evening, with no end in sight to the violence that has increasingly targeted Lebanese soldiers. Ref. Source 2
Syrians attacked in Lebanon after soldiers killed:
Syrian refugee Ibrahim Abbas Ali and his family awoke in the middle of the night to the sound of gunfire outside their tent in Lebanon, and for a second time they raced off into the fields, fleeing a war that now seems to have followed them across the border. Ref. Source 5
Beirut protests turn violent for second day as PM threatens to quit:
Protests against the Lebanese government turned violent for a second day on Sunday, and Prime Minister Tammam Salam threatened to resign as public discontent brought thousands into the streets. Ref. Source 3k
There is a video online that shows a bride being photographed at the same time the explosion happens and it was really loud. What a really bad day for that to happen. So many lives lost and people are now homeless.
International Level: Activist / Political Participation: 28 2.8%