Message to Advisor
I am pleased with the events of the day.
I spent a lot of my time training really hard, and feel I am making really good progress in building up my physical skills.
I was also dutiful and attentive to the requirement of my deity the great god of good - Kair. I followed his creed to the letter and spread his word.
I made a speech to the populace exposing the virtues of Kair and encouraging the good people of this place to place their trust in him. To pledge their loyalty to him and reap a reward throughout their lives as a result.
I spent much time in the library, and now I have learnt much about the those individuals and creatures that oppose my endeavours. I know those who are my enemies now. I know their strengths and weaknesses. I know which I can tackle if I need to, and those whose day of reckoning will need to wait until I am further able to deal with them.
I attended the Palace of Parody and entertained Lady Fluke and the locals by winning the egg race.
I resisted the temptation of a trickster who tried to lure me away from the path of righteousness. Not for me the opportunism of stealing an old woman's gold while she slept. I passed by on the other side.
Finally I served my community by ridding the market of the bullies who had been exacting their money with menaces.
Today I served the community well, served my god well, and in so doing served myself well.
Meeting the townsfolk
Today I walked among the locals once more, as I have done now for many days. I believe I am becoming more accepted,. Certainly they are more accustomed to my presence.
I have done things to help these people including removing the bullies from the market. Anti-social thugs were extorting money from the honest decent tradespeople. Well, they won't be doing it any more. The market traders seemed grateful for my assistance in this matter, even if the local guards didn't want to get involved.
I am keen to do more if I can and try to identify further needs that the merchants may require.
I have done my bit to increase commence here in town. I have sought out, and spoken with the armour maker, and the helm seller, and purchased a new helm, and better body armour. These tradesmen now know I am serious about my future, and that I recognise that being better equipped is vital in being successful in such a dangerous place.
I have bought drinks in the tavern.Popularity is one just thing of importance, but it simply seemed a decent thing to do for those present. They cheered me, and drunk up my offering with relish.
I have found most people here to be decent, if a little odd. Certainly those townspeople who frequent Lady Fluke's palace of parodies and spend their time engaged in the most bizarre forms of entertainment are odd indeed.
It seems that the more outrageous the challenge the better the locals all take to it. The purpose seems some sort of ritual humiliation, and the chances of success are small, yet there is never any shortage of participants.willing to have a go. I found myself failing twice, being ridiculed and considered a joke, yet they also wanted me to continue.Odd indeed.
The chaps at the library are helpful. They allowed me thorough access to their extensive collection of tomes and I am now exceptionally conversant with the entries of the know enemy file. These documents are freely available to all, and are invaluable to the newcomer. I appreciate the scholars for allowing me to gain such learning. If I get an opportunity to repay their kindness via some task, quest, or assignment, I will feel morally bound to accept it sometime in my future.
In summary, I have now met everyone, spoken with everyone, and traded with some townsfolk. I have been cheered in the tavern,.humiliated in the palace of parodies, and educated in the library.
The people of town have been nothing other than accommodating in general in their interactions with me, and I am beginning to feel I am one of them. Their occasionally odd, and eccentric practices, are, I suppose, a local phenomenon particular to many such remote local communities unused to visitors from outside.
I will continue to try to develop my personnel presence and influence tomorrow.
My Next Medieval Adventure
I walked around town and having been tipped off that he was seeking help, I sought out a young boy with light purple eyes. That in itself is unusual, but he also incongruously had well groomed hair and a sunken body.
I concluded that he was poor and underfed, if not staving. He said he needed gold and that he knew a way that I would be able to help the poor in that regard. Accordingly I accepted the task. It all seemed to be in a good cause, that of assisting the underprivileged, something I had pledged to do for my deity the mighty and the benevolent good god Kair.
I understood from the task that I would need physical abilities and some sacks to carry the gold in. It seemed to me that I was well suited to that. I am strong and fit. I can lift weights and I have sacks in my possession to transport the money.
I accepted the task as I reasoned I had a duty so to do. I am pledged to care for the poor of the town and this task gives me the opportunity to do just that.
Adventure Entry
The large object was there to block my progress. Who placed it there I asked myself?. Who needed me to stop and attend to it. Someone who wanted to ambush me whilst I was otherwise occupied. That is what I suspected. Yet there was no evidence of anyone around. Still, I wasn't going to wait around to find out, so I simply stood up and gave the object a mighty bash. The object smashed on impact and I was on my way again.
Adventure Entry
A large depression confronted me. Well I had to cross it so there was no alternative but to jump. I took a long run up and and at speed launched myself into the air. I wheeled my legs as I flew trying to propel greater momentum, but I still fell slightly short of my landing target. Disappointing but not disastrous. I get to try it again.