David Icke
What do you think about David Icke? Do not know who David Icke is? He is a guy that believes the Matrix idea is real. In fact he believes it is so real that he wrote a book about it!
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David Icke (Hover)
I had never heard of him before, but now you have intrigued me. I will have to try and get my hands on some of his and Hank Wesselman's books. They have some interesting views on how and what things are. The big question I have always pondered is how god knew all from start to end of our history. Is it a program or a story book or was he able to traverse in time....
If you do get the book I would like to know what he thinks generally, because some do see him as quack. When I was in the UK in 1991 I met many people that believed we (the world) was just part of a large experiment, so the thinking behind this is not new to the Matrix.
I recently uploaded some videos in various places within the Community. Have a look at those to get a greater understanding of where he is coming from. Just search: "David Icke" using the quotes just as I have it to ensure it only shows Threads with that name and not Threads with just the name 'David' or just the name 'Icke'.
David Icke believes in more than just the Matrix being real he also feels aliens rule the earth and they are disguised as humans but they're really lizard-like aliens. What I do not get about such people is if they are in fact so correct why doesn't the lizard people take him out? After all isn't that what the Agents try to do when they see anyone trying to upset the Matrix like Neo and his squad did?