Greetings Role-play Gamer
We have FOUR types of Role-playing Games, which one are you interested in:
1. [b]Start Now Type: For those who want to start immediately then you need to go to: Source 5v
2. Integrated Role-playing Games: This is where the Role-playing Games are part of the Community. Games like Plugged, Cozyville and others considers what you do in the Community and thus it affects game play. To see a list of these check the Role-playing Game Stuff Page.
3. Writer's Paradise: For for those who prefer well thought out storylines where the players are more mature then keep reading below:
You need to make 30 Posts as a test to see how well you can participate in our Text Based Games, so get started now by selecting a Board and giving your input.
4. Share Book Role-playing Game: This is the EASIEST type of Role-playing Game to get involved in because it only takes you joining in a Thread with a current Book Scenario and giving your vote in which direction a character should move.