House of Sorrows
If I understand you correctly, your one of your sons tends to worry much and the other has very severe mood changes. He can explode like a sudden storm when things don't go his way. You believe this Insolitam was meant to help your sons but it had the opposite effect. Your sons write these affirmations to build up and strengthen their self worth. This is your "universe" and cannot escape it because your sons will always need your help in just living because the townspeople treat them badly and make fun of them if they didn't have you.
My Next Medieval Adventure
Celebrane approaches the Temple of Good. He is stopped at the doors because of his bad aura. Celebrane gets on his knees and cries out "Forgive me for my failings! I ask only that I get a chance to redeem myself!".
Some moments pass when a Priest appears at the door.
"Celebrane although you may not enter the Temple, we will give you a chance to prove yourself and gain wisdom in the process."
Celebrane rises and bows before the Priest. "It shall be done.."
Message to Advisor
Hey Joaquin. Things have been kind of crazy lately. I died a couple of times… my Soul is very lacking. But the Temple sent me on a mission to redeem myself. I hope I don't die on his quest. But any chance to increase my Soul is greatly welcomed.
Alas for Celebrane! Having a tortured soul embarked on a quest to redeem himself. Knowing the almost certain death that awaited him, he bravely went forth. Celebrane was surprised by an unknown beast and was unable to fulfill the oath he gave. Perhaps in death Celebrane will find solace and peace in the Woodlands.