Some newer Players, when they come across a unique game like ROK II, still do not understand the fundamentals of how it is played despite the many explanations given. Again, ROK II is a Medieval Fantasy Text Role-playing Game that you create as the Author. Therefore, to separate writing from the game is like removing the game from itself.
ROK II involves many things but the main two that you will always encounter are: reading AND writing. This is thoroughly explained before game play takes place AND is part of the process but for some reason Players think they are being "Forced" to write or that it should "Be removed" to play… how strange. This may go back to this: Reading vs Comprehension where everything is being skipped over in the Start & Rules.
Being The Author: Writing In ROK II (Hover)
I feel the best way to become better at writing is to be good at reading. That might sound strange but as you read more and more the styles, words and descriptions authors use can stay with you and be applied to your own writing.
Ah, very good the hints to write in old English!
I was expecting that when I first was prompted to write in the medieval style but didn't have that at the time.
Even tryed to find something similar online but couldn't find.
That does not sound so difficult. I expected a chore, so have avoided those prompts because they are optional. I may even have a look at the FAQ on the topic.
Very interesting hints to add to our writing when it comes to the old English style to be applied. Surely a way to improve English skills for those who use it as a second language like I do.