No one shall lay low Vantes the Explorer. How can mine transgressions leave me with my 4th death to carry me downward astonished in this dungeon of fears? It is mine lack of cause.
I, Vantes, have gained enough experience that I am considered to be Level 5 among my fellow men.
I, Vantes the Explorer, was attacked by a Giant Wolf and was victorious in combat.
My Next Medieval Adventure
I've been hired for a job finally. I think this will be a good opportunity to grow my name among the people. My only fear is that I am not prepared for what lies ahead. I will take this opportunity at some gold so I can further my skills.
While a Wolf may be difficult for some a Wolf is no match for me.
Ever fought a Hyena Pack? I did… and beat it to death.
Vantes the Explorer is raised. A title of Explorer did not protecteth me from my 5th amazed death. No more must mine cause bring me to this point.
I have defeated a Gang Leader. Let all know that it be by the mighty hands of Vantes the Explorer.