Relation Description
Grendel is a beautiful lady that has long flowing locks of the most priceless golden hair. She has eyes that are able to make me stop in my tracks, and she stands tall, her height reaching to my chin, she has long legs and arms that will allow me to train her more effectively in the art of swordfighting, as her reach shall be longer than most women. She moves as thought she is possessed by the most skillful dancer, and she wears subtle clothing, which is a blended mixture of dark and light fabrics, to remain hidden, as she is quite shy and does not seem to respond to most of my attention.
She will be a terrific suitor for me, and I will have great children with her.
Why Am I Aheawan?
I do not regret my choice. My unique upbringing has often led me to solitude. It is too late to go back on my decision now, even if I wanted to change, I'm fine with watching my own back. You will always have somebody questioning your decisions in life, but as long as you know they are comfortable, then you're perfectly safe. I'm glad I can remove pointless distractions such as friendship.
Worship of Vestehr
I fetch an animal from the streets; a stray dog. I place the blade to its paw and ... I place it at the altar. The paw explodes in a burst of red and golden mist, and all of a sudden, my entire torso feels lighter.
I ask Vestehr to give me more endurance and an increased mental focus for the years ahead, in order for me to better achieve my goals. I utter the final words; "May this short sacrifice provide us with a closer blond."