Good evening everyone! My name is Deliberate and starting today, at the wee hours of the morning, I come to join Ruler of Kings 2!
I am a 24 year old man with a fair amount of experience in role play. Although I've dabbled in Dungeons & Dragons table top sessions virtually and physically, I was never able to participate in a fixed group. Like it's been said during the quick 2 minute video explanations, time runs differently for everyone involved and it never seems to meet up when we decide on a date to continue a campaign.
Now, while I say a fair amount of experience, I really mean in the form of role play servers of games like Neverwinter Nights. I believe I can create my character fairly well, but I haven't been able to experience the creative freedom that this site boasts about. I have an itch for something but I can not seem to satisfy it. Hopefully ROK II is able to at least narrow down what I would like.
Now, onto the subject of creative writing, that is something new to me. I am quite used to a GM working with me when I would like to set out to do something, giving me a frame. Actively writing out a story for my character is something new to me, but not unappealing. I've always wanted to create my own story, so maybe having experienced writers and professional critics read and give constructive criticism would allow me to blossom into something new and exciting.
That being said, I am quite introverted. It does take a certain amount of energy for me to engage in social activities outside of my normal routine, but once I get to know the community better, I'm sure it will be easier to participate in the events of ROK II. I will ask obvious questions just to confirm we are on the same level of understanding and to ensure I'm not leaving anything out.
I look forward to the experiences ROK II offers. Cheers.
Welcome, ye have chosen the most unique Text adventure in which thy chosen path will reveal thy destiny. Now, since this is a choose thy own adventure game do take the time to read the tome known as the Player's Rules & Start. Herein, ye will discover the rudiments of game play and the mental fortitude ye will need to begin.