Yakov the Rogue joins the Adventure Party of Macerio
Yakov is a small human male often mistaken for a child. Only a scar running down from his left eye to the corner of his mouth belies the innocence of his features. His size allows him to move undetected among larger folk, much to their misfortune, as he is as quick to cut their purse strings with his dagger as to slip it between their ribs.
Why Am I Macerio?
I have not realised how my childhood has moulded me. Evil has been visited upon me and mine and rather than being revolted by what has been done to me, I am become that which I most hate. For to destroy evil, I needed to become more evil.
The Resurrection of Macerio the Dark. Mine objective is to be Ruler of Kings and yet I have suffered downfalls for the 2nd time much to mine fascinated. I am not in a bedtime story yet I have become it.