My name is Aderan. I am known as the Watchman by many. At the age of sixteen, according to the years of man, I can be described as an average looking man with average height but more than your average attractiveness.
I intend to do Intelligence work, espionage and intrigue in order to become the next Ruler of Kings.
A Sentimental Value
"Not wanting to leave my childhood home without something of value, I made a brief search of the grounds around the house, and came across a plain ring which had our family's crest engraved on the inside. This ring,is made from unknown rare metal, may prove my ancestral background because it is the same ring worn by my father. Maybe I can show it to someone who will recognize the crest on it and in so doing open a pathway for my future."
Advisor Description
It was middle of summer of my 14th year, guardsmen led by a snappy captain went to our manor and reported to my father an incident that happened in town. My father then ordered investigation and proper actions. I noticed that this captain led his men well and they follow him like the captain follow my father. Now as my advisor, I am looking forward to be guided in leading men. For a ruler needs to be a great leader.