I am Sorgath the draconian. Half man, half dragon, my race is Bosak, known as spell throwers. My skin is bronze and my eyes are curiously yellow. I am 6 feet tall, but I remain muscularly normal. My main attraction for books and knowledge drives me into being a wizard. I am very loyal, to the point to die for honour, but I know when to retreat too.
A Sentimental Value: Ring of Solace
The Ring of Solace is the last remnant of an ancient city that was destroyed. It had be told that the ring brings luck and protection to the goodwill adventurer.
It is also the single item coming from my dead father, which I never met.
Advisor Description
I met Vivenaude the Aristocrat at my arrival in town. She hired me in her herbal shop and gave me my first job. 5 feet 9 inch tall, blond long hair and blue eyes color saphire, Vivenaude is a very beautiful woman, altough not in her prime age. She is a very knowledgeable person and found some fun dialoguing with me. Therefore now on, Sorgath and Vivenaude usually get the lunch together and discudd about every subjects, from astronomy to engineering, to new mixtures of herbs.
Ildaria Kingdom of Sorgath
In a very strange dream, my long time dead mom appeared to me and proposed that I create a city. Ildaria will be it's name and full of magic and poetry it will be filled with. The freedom of mind and of spirit will be bringing no self desire, which contain self destruction, but only happiness on an eternal level. The crops and industries will be all artisanal and the strangest of creatures with the vastest array of colors will live together as brothers and sisters!
No one shall lay low Sorgath the Wizard. I, Sorgath, have died but am alive again! Mine pursuit is to be Ruler of Kings and yet I have suffered crimes for the 1st time much to mine lost in wonder. I am not in a fantastical era yet I have become it.
House of Sorrows
Really not sure what transpires here, but as I got it, one of your child has seizures to the likes of either orc transformation, or maybe lycantropy. You, guilty dad of maybe carrying the problem at first, which was somehow transmitted to your kids probably unwillingly, is totally drained out trying to keep your kid from the population's possible wrath, and also from your kid not to get out. The names of the kids as I remember sounded like emotions, rather joyful and strange for a sorrow house!