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Hrothwulf Introduction
Greetings. I picked Hrothwulf as my username since I thought it would be my character name. Well, since it has already been done, I'll adopt that name in this community. You can also call me Skaal, though. That's my usual online name.
I hail from Indonesia. I'm not sure if age is a personal info that I should keep to myself in this community, but personally I feel that it's fine for me to share it. I'm a 19 years old boy. I'm a college student and I'm taking accounting as my major.
My interests include a lot of things, and I began to see a pattern that I like to mine a particular subject until I am bored of it and then find another interest that can satisfy me. I have jumped from one interest to another. I used to enjoy writing stories and drawing with a charcoal pencil, but they don't bring as much satisfaction to me anymore. As of right now, my interests include music (Folk and metal), role playing games, understanding myself better, accounting, learning more about my spirituality, and culture in general.
I'm joining this community for the role playing game. If you ask me about my experience in role playing games, I don't think I'm very experienced. My love for role play was heavily influenced by Skyrim. I know Dungeons & Dragons and quite understand how it works, but have not actually played much with other people. Finding friends to play with is hard, so I tend to play role playing games alone with solo RPG systems. These days, however, I usually play AI Dungeon, where the AI spits out stories according to my input.
Though roleplaying is my main reason for joining this community, I am also quite interested in topics that discuss about how one constructs their belief system and thinking system. I would probably hang quite a bit in posts about religion. Speaking of religions, I consider myself a Heathen or a pagan. I'm not going to explain much about that here, though if someone inquires me about it I will be happy to talk about it.
I guess that is enough of an introduction from me. I hope I can get what I seek from this community and in return contribute in some way to it.
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Reason: Ruler of Kings II Text RPG
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Joined: Reg.
22nd Sep, 2021 - 10:44am Signature: