Hi Granny, it is called "FP" not "Fps". FP stands for forum points.
Please acknowledge that you understand you cannot simply post "I agree" to topics or start talking about something else. Of course always spell check.
Before I assist you please read this in full because you were supposed to read it before joining: Constructive Posting Policy.
Please confirm you have read it and understand it fully. Then I can give you some tips.
That's good Granny. Now, FP is earned in topics that are not the welcome section, joke, or RPGs. So if you are looking for FP then do not post in those sections. The best thing to do is respond to topics that you actually know about. There is a search bar at the top simply add a couple of words about a topic you know about and it will show you topics about it. For instance, movies, music, singers, bands, politics or even the topic of blind will show you posts that have been made about it.
Hi Granny, unfortunately, we are still needing to edit your posts. They are not spelled properly or contain extra words, repeated words, etc. Are you using a phone? Before you submit the message make sure to reread what you are posting to ensure it is correct.
Granny, it is Ok to be sorry but if you keep it up your account will be deleted by a moderator.
As per your question please read: Points, Core Posts, Posts & FP - Forum Points.