My name is Granny and I am honored to become the Ruler of Kings. I am known as the mentor of the eastern. I intend to help fulfill the quest of other people. My character can be described as a good hard worker who can fulfill all dreams. I hope to become the Ruler of Kings. I was given the name because I am a very honorable person. I am a strong muscular character. I stand up for people with magic and like to go on adventure.
A Sentimental Value: Ring of Solace
I took the ring of solace to help with magic and because it is sentimental to me. I did not want to lose it. The ring of solace sounds magical and may have magic to it. If you were to put it on you would feel powerful it is a very peaceful item for me to have that is why I took the ring of solace.
Advisor Description
I met Portia at school for the blind in the morning. I think she will be a good adviser because she can help me with difficult decisions in the game. We met at the palace. It was a cordial meeting with Portia. I didn't mind Portia watching me because she probably wanted to learn about me. I see the relationship going good. She can become a good friend to me. She4 has no suspicions of me. She hope4s that I can make the best decision for the story.