Hi guys! I am here mostly for the RPG, though I may participate in the global discussions sometimes. I'll be honest and and admit that I have no experience of playing role playing games. But I do have some experience with writing. I am quite a bit interested in politics, and am always open to changing my views (With a good reason of course). So, that's it, I guess. Thanks for taking the time to read this intro. Have a good day (Or night, depending on your timezone).
Welcome. Keep in mind, this Text RPG has certain parts that should be written in clear, well articulated English. Thy writings need not be perfect, however ye should be above reproach on basic grammar. Therefore, this mature minded game will require careful reading of both the rules of play and background story so thy Character canst survive. Indeed, this is more than a mere game, it is like reading a myerty novel and ye will be the protagonist. Ready to being? Then start with the Player's Manual: Rules & Start in its entirety.