Welcome adventurer. Let me asketh this question? Be ye the type of adventurer that is merely curious and flakes away like the wind or are ye made of brawn, determination and commitment wherein ye shall enter the realms of this medieval fantasy world with an aim to become the Ruler of Kings or die? If the former, then observe all told to thee via the Player's Rules & Start and begin.
Hi Hydellrev! Harker, in the post above yours, guided you where to start: Rules & Start. On that page there is a summary and a Start button. Have a read and click the button which opens up the players' manual so you can learn about the game. Have you played a text based PG before?
Hi again Hydellrev, ROK II is largely a game about reading and writing. You do not have to be great at it but it is part of the game play. Just follow the link I gave you and it will explain all. There are videos as well have you seen those? Ruler of Kings Text RPG FAQ & Videos