Now that I have attained Level 1 among my people, ye shall see a more powerful Malik than otherwise might have been known.
Wardogb the War Dog joins the Adventure Party of Malik
Maybe this one will not fail me but then again it is just war dog not a human. If it dies then it will be free, if it runs it will not, if it lives past it's contract date it will. But again it is just a dog and a scrawny one at that.
I, Malik, have gained enough experience that I am considered to be Level 2 among my fellow men.
Ever fought a Woodsman? I did… and beat it to death.
Message to Advisor
I killed a lot of people… I feel their deaths were not warranted but I will not give up my path has just begun. I have become stronger and will soon begin my introduction to the true arcane but for now I will train my body as I must be able to defend myself should my enemies happen upon me.
Familiar Description
Godless has eyes the color of onyx, is strongly built but still very quick, it's disposition is much like mine. Careful and cautious but deadly when angered. I call upon him but cutting my hand and drawing up my power to bring him forth into this realm. Godless is relatively silent and ALWAYS obeys. Godless has claws like obsidian shards and scales are in shades of black, grey, and Ivory. His horns and sharp and will grow longer as he grows.