Why Studying Deep Doctrine Sucks - Page 2 of 4

McKay, you're right. Truth doctrine - Page 2 - Mormon Doctrine Studies - Posted: 16th Oct, 2008 - 11:42am

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30th Sep, 2008 - 5:42pm / Post ID: #

Why Studying Deep Doctrine Sucks - Page 2

QUOTE (kenney1975 @ 30-Sep 08, 2:45 AM)
What do you do when you see a post that to you has nothing to do in direct relationship to the church? When a post you feel is nothing more than ones owns personal feelings but, you still feel strongly that their is an indirect lesson that can be learned from open communication.  So you try to indirectly relate one topic to another you feel strongly about only to have it not posted because it is felt not to be related to previous postings.

You get a grip, you move on. This is not Church, this is just a Forum where we discuss topics. When you joined the Church you decided to abide by some "rules". When you decided to join the community you AGREED upon registration to do the same thing. Whether you feel "strong" or not about posting an offtopic is irrelevant. It seems you haven't learned yet the Art of Discussion.

Studying anything sucks because it involves accepting not knowing something we really want to know right away instead of going through the step by step process of learning.

Very confusing. Do you mind to explain?

I choose to only love learning those things that were either easy and/or enjoyable to me.

You chose or you choose? Which one and why?

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Post Date: 1st Oct, 2008 - 4:19am / Post ID: #

Why Studying Deep Doctrine Sucks
A Friend

Sucks Doctrine Deep Studying Why

I chose the easier path because I really hated anything that I thought might just lead to contention. So through most of my life I kept my feelings mostly to myself. I also was afraid of being overcome with pride to the point that I would start to think I was better than anybody else. As far as the process of learning I can be very impatient and as you can tell from my post sometimes I have so much to say that I may speed from one topic to another without even realizing. I guess my problem with deep doctrine or anything in life is I make life too complicated. Patience, Faith, and Love are the keys to learning. I ask that I be forgiven of my weakness. As for any further discusions concerning any future post I am not sure what to do? Do I risk raising contention or confusion among other members of the church. It would be nice to find a place where I can discuss anything on my mind.

Post Date: 13th Oct, 2008 - 2:04am / Post ID: #

Why Studying Deep Doctrine Sucks
A Friend

Why Studying Deep Doctrine Sucks Studies Doctrine Mormon

Isiah53 said:

As Robert Millet said in his NPR interview last year regarding doctrine/theology and how other churches view our theology, -we are a very young church, so give us a break we have not had the time that other churches have had to get our theology together. (paraphrased again.)

Personally, I find this statement a bit puzzling. Why do we need 'time to get our theology together?" Our theology comes only by pure revelation, and must be accepted by common consent to be binding upon the church. What's there to think about?

Kenney1975 said:
I chose the easier path because I really hated anything that I thought might just lead to contention.

If you are sincere in your opinion, sharing it with us in the proper spirit shouldn't cause any hard feelings. A true enquiry cannot be anything but welcome. After all, this is the "LDS deep doctrine forum," right? I suppose you should be able to talk about deep doctrine.

13th Oct, 2008 - 2:23am / Post ID: #

Page 2 Sucks Doctrine Deep Studying Why

It is good of you to catch that paraphrase OneTrueSteve, I think Isiah53 needs to provide a source for that so I can follow it up.

Post Date: 14th Oct, 2008 - 9:34pm / Post ID: #

Why Studying Deep Doctrine Sucks
A Friend

Sucks Doctrine Deep Studying Why

I'll be honest! I wasn't planning on coming back to this website. I come to believe that talking about deep doctrine in an open forum may not be the best way to spread the gospel. What if someone gets on this website with trouble following basic commandments and then is told that he is not going to make it back to heaven because he doesn't love his neighbors. Just an example. When you get someone like me who is too often, too hard on themselves who honestly wants nothing more than for everyone to accept everyone as children of God who suddenly gets response in his E-Mails, like: I BLAME YOU! from someone by the name of Shawn, I believe. If my thought aren't wanted then I don't want to force my thoughts on others. Sorry.

14th Oct, 2008 - 10:14pm / Post ID: #

Why Studying Deep Doctrine Sucks

QUOTE (kenney1975 @ 14-Oct 08, 5:34 PM)
who suddenly gets response in his E-Mails, like: I BLAME YOU! from someone by the name of Shawn, I believe. If my thought aren't wanted then I don't want to force my thoughts on others. Sorry.

You are obviously talking about ANOTHER forum, nobody e-mailed you from here (Admin or Mods) so I have no idea what you're talking about. spock.gif

Now with regards of how you feel about deep doctrine, that's entirely your opinion. You are free to participate or not participate in whatever discussion we have here. Nobody is forcing you to do one or the other.

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16th Oct, 2008 - 3:58am / Post ID: #

Why Studying Deep Doctrine Sucks - Page 2

I'll tell you what sucks, everything you try to be factual in your opinion there is someone who will say something about being too truthful. I mean when Nephi told his brothers the turth they thought it was to hard to hear. Sometimes the doctrine can be hard to hear, you can't deal with it then don't involve yourself in it. Stick with Sunday school 101. You can make it more complexed, but its as simple as that!

16th Oct, 2008 - 11:42am / Post ID: #

Why Studying Deep Doctrine Sucks Mormon Doctrine Studies - Page 2

McKay, you're right. Truth doctrine is hard to be taken, people in general like to hear things that are pleasant to the ears and that can somewhat feed their egos or satisfy their insecurities. If on top of that, you tell them they do not have to do X to be saved then you're a prophet. laugh.gif . It's the "natural man" in all of us.

Studying deep doctrine could suck also if you feel you're somewhat "saved" by knowledge or your perceived notion of knowledge.

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