I live in the Central Time Zone here in the US and tomorrow morning, we will be setting our clocks one hour back for observance of Daylight Saving. In the spring, we do the opposite and set the clocks one hour ahead. Some states do not participate in Daylight Saving. Do you observe Daylight Saving where you live, and how? Which change do you prefer, setting the clocks ahead or behind and why?
Here is some info on Daylight Saving:
Edited: malexander on 30th Oct, 2004 - 4:19pm
Of course we do not have this here in the Caribbean, but I have lived in countries that had it and I did not like it at all. I am all for keeping the time just the way it is - moving it back and forward just to have 'more light' puts an added stress on the body and sometimes on business relations.
We are on that program here on the West Coast USA, and I don't mind it so much. I do run into problems with family members in states that don't participate, just for forgetting that we are one hour different for half of the year.
Our local cable company actually adjusted the time last Sunday! It was pretty funny to see the empty parking lot at church. Interesting how some folks rely on something like the cable box for the correct time.... (They fixed it after about 2 days, and now they have to do it again.)
From FOXNews.com
Energy Bill Would Extend Daylight Savings
I don't see why we can't just stay on day light savings time year round! I do realize we don't want school kids at the bus stop in the dark, but as long as the sun is up by 7:00 we should be o.k. there.
For some reason, this go-around I'm really struggling with the time change. It doesn't normally bother me, but, wow! Dragging myself out of bed at 6:00 a.m. instead of 5:00 a.m. is bad news. I feel as if I'm late from the moment I get up! I can't imagine what's happening, and I hope I can adjust soon!
How strange. I am suffering the same way. I think it is that I must get the most rest in that last hour of sleep, because I have been almost completely useless this week. I don't wake up until about 2:00 in the afternoon!
Maybe I will adjust in a couple of weeks.
I see no problem with setting my clock forward or backwards. I live in Iowa, which is a central time zone. I have two kids and a job and I also work through day labor on my days off and I still have no problems with losing an hour or gaining an hour.